Security API

Version: 1.0

Updated: 30-December-2019
Users: 161 Latency: 10 ms Traffic: 480K

Security API

Version: 1.0

Latency10 ms
Traffic 480K
Updated: 30-December-2019
App details

Try this API

You can try the API with the information provided below. There is a limit of 5 calls every minute or alternatively register and subscribe to increase your API usage.



Basic V0djNEFBRXF6T0NpREtHaDFWc00wVTcxTkxkdFdkbVQ6amc3d0t3SEgzc2VTWFFsYw==


Security guards, locksmiths and other security professionals provide a valuable service to our community. This set of APIs provides a means of accessing publicly available data to check the status of a NSW security licence, whether a person has a security licence and what services a licensed security officer is approved to perform.

API overview


Rate limits

The Security API has specific endpoint request limitation to authorized users. API.NSW reserve the right to adjust rate limits for any given endpoint in order to improve quality of service provided to users. Every API consumer will be limited to a number of requests based on their agreement.

Rates for API calls

Account type Services Action
  • 2500 calls / month
  • standard APIs
  • custom calls / month
  • standard / custom APIs
  • 24/7 email / phone support
  • custom service licensing agreement
Contact us

Release notes

The table below shows date, version number and a detailed description of changes or modifications made to the Security API. Expected or scheduled changes are indicated in a green color while yellow is used to indicated completed upgrades or changes.

Recent API Changes

Date Version Description
21-Oct-2016 1.0 Product portal launched

Security and authentication

API NSW generates API keys for APIs and enables authentication to your APIs using policies.

Credential pairs consisting of consumer key and secret are provisioned to clients and stored for future validation. These are issued as per agreement with API NSW.

An OAuth call is required to provide the consumer with an authorisation token that would last approximately 12 hours from the time when request was made. User would need to send this authorisation token with every subsequent request in order to get appropriate results from the API.

For more information see OAuth 2.0

Security API

Accesses this API

Subscribe to this API and start integrating it into your product


Try this API

You can try the API with the information provided below. There is a limit of 5 calls every minute or alternatively register and subscribe to increase your API usage.



Basic V0djNEFBRXF6T0NpREtHaDFWc00wVTcxTkxkdFdkbVQ6amc3d0t3SEgzc2VTWFFsYw==